Body Aches

What are body aches and pains?

Body aches are the feeling of tension on our muscles, ligaments and tendons that will lead aches and cause our body difficult to move around. Pains are more sever and mostly associated to inner part of our body which could be combine of muscles, ligaments, tendons and joints.

What causes aches and pains?

Many reason why people have body aching and pain. Some are due to over exercising and exert too much pressure in the body, while some are due to illness and aging.

Human bodies need to move around and exercise for a healthier body. At some point, it will be affected by aches and pains when muscles, joints, ligaments and tendons cause by overused of physical pressure and injured.

Another reason is aging which is inevitable to aches and pain as the body is getting weaker.

While some may be due to associated with symptoms of arthritis, flu and fibromyalgia . Minor aches and Pains are easily treatable, while more severe symptoms may require life-long treatment.

Natural Remedy

Drink ginger water to reduce the body aches and pains. It helps to relieve the aches and pain sensation.



  1. Wash about 300 grams of Ginger with water.
  2. After washing the Ginger, slice into big pieces.
  3. Prepare a pot with around 1 liter of water.
  4. Put the Ginger into the water and boil it.
  5. Reduce the flame after the water is boiled for extra 10mins.
  6. This is to make sure the Ginger goodness has thoroughly extracted out.
  7. Let the Ginger water cool down and drink it while it is warm.

This will help to relieve the body aching after round of drinking.